Blog 7

In reviewing the grading rubric/check list, I find that many of the the pointers/ pieces of advice have been beneficial to my writing/ editing process. One of these pieces being among the “watch out for” sections. One that I found particularly relevant at this stage of my revising process is the “watch out for: a … [Read more…]

Blog 6

In reading Anne Lamott’s “Shitty First Drafts,” I found that there were a few points throughout the essay that I said to myself “yeah! I totally know what she’s saying.” And “This isn’t far off from the process that I go through when writing essays for school.” In the essay, Lamott says “The first draft … [Read more…]

Peer Review 1

I think what you have so far in your draft shows so much potential! With that being said, first off, I think you should consider possibly providing some background information on metaphors themselves i,e the definition, how they are used, in what context can they be positive or negative etc. I feel that this would … [Read more…]

Blog 5

*introductory paragraph* For as long as I can remember, peppered through the entirety of my life so far; there has been many of situations in which I have learned something. Some instinctual, like walking. And some learned, like playing the guitar or driving a motor vehicle. The very definition of a learned behavior is an … [Read more…]

Blog 4

The first quote that I felt very drawn to in Dhruv Khullar’s text “The Trouble with Medical Metaphors,” can be found on page 1. It states; “Did she, on some level, feel she’s lost the battle because she didn’t fight hard enough? Might she has suffered less at the end if she hadn’t felt compelled … [Read more…]

Blog 3

After reading and annotating this article the first time around, I was under the impression that I understood the reading well and felt no need to revisit it for further analysis. However, once I began reading it for a second time I realized that there were a few things that I hadn’t noticed before. For … [Read more…]

Blog 2

As I read Michael Erard’s “See Through Words”, I stumbled upon a statement that really stood out to me. On the second page of the article Erard states “They aren’t supposed to make someone remark: ‘That’s beautiful.’ They’re meant to make someone realize that they’ve only been looking at one side of a thing.” What … [Read more…]

Blog 1

When I first read Geary’s ideas on metaphors, I found myself almost having a difficult time believing how prevalent Metaphors are in our lives and our everyday means of communication. As someone who enjoys writing and reading the workings of good writers in their free time, I was well aware of the prevalence of metaphors … [Read more…]